A new Volunteer Programme!

Right in the heart of the trout and flyfishing district of South Africa lies Coromandel Estate. Nestled in the highveld’s lofty mountains and sometimes shrouded in mist, is the mercurial Cormandel Estate.

Home of what was once the most expensive race horse in the entire world (early 1980’s, Northfield) Coromandel is now a prime example of a committed community benefiting from the legacy of one Stanley Press.

This estate captured our imagination immediately. Everything about the estate was built on passion and research. Sydney Press was passionate about his horses and this region and thus developed blueberries, orchards, a dairy and acres of grain. Today the farm is in the hands of the community that served Press so well and now ensure the land works hard to feed this community.

This is where the volunteer opportunity comes in. It will be centered on the Cormonadel Primary School – multiple champions in provincial soccer tournaments. The school is very well run by 8 teachers and a general worker who doubles up as the coach and the 278 pupils are buzzing with energy, fueled by the open skies of the Mpumalanga countryside. These enquiring minds are eager to improve their English, Mathematics and art skills. In addition to that, African Quiver is seeking to expand the virtues of wildlife and conservation ethics in the hope of lighting the inspirational flame to safeguard nature’s role in society.

We will arm you with the tools on how to teach this course by sending you on a course at the South African Wildlife College, adjacent to the world renowned Kruger National Park. This 1 week course will equip you to light that fire in these eager minds.

For more information on this incredible project, visit this page.

To chat to us, start the conversation here by dropping Vikki an email.

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