Cliché’s are so resilient because they contain truths and are applicable in so many scenarios. In our case, the launch of Bid on Travel, it came to be as a result of the domestic tourism market in South Africa burning to the ground. Why it did that is well documented, Covid-19 related travel consequences abound and deeply affects all countries, globally. So, like the proverbial phoenix, a new tourism business is launching out of the ashes. Welcome to Bid On Travel.

The concept of an auction has stood the test of time and there is genuine excitement surrounding an auction. Either it is an opportunity to capture a rare item that has finally entered the market or it is a new avenue to introduce a product. Bid on Travel promises to be both.
With a plethora of travel opportunities, ranging from accommodation throughout our far-flung borders, to experiences celebrating our landscape, culture or adventurous spirit – there are far too many hidden to South Africans. Partly because traditionally our marketing is focused and priced to suit the international market. But also, partly due to the fact that we are such a vast country, it remains difficult to experience those lesser known attractions.
Bid On Travel will bring you these lesser known attractions
The first auction launched on 05 October 2020 on Facebook, at the following page: It ends on 12 October 2020 at 8pm – we expect a little bidding war right at the end and we’ll end with a happy buyer, happy seller scenario.
Further expectations for this concept include a supported website that will carry the inventory that had been auctioned – at fair rate – we have a platform that allows the tourism industry to showcase its wares via the auction and have a shop window to conduct fair business.
Support Bid on Travel, support South African travel!
- contact Vikki Richardson:
- Mobile: 079 345 6111
- Email:
- office: 010 065 0127